What happens in a Latter-day Saint temple sealing?
This article was contributed by a local member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed may not represent the views and positions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For the Church's official site, visit churchofjesuschrist.org.
Eternal Promises
To the Latter-Day Saints, I have found that a temple sealing is one of the most meaningful promises that can be made.
Unlike many other religions, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believes marriage to be eternal. This differs dramatically from the standard wedding vow, “til death do we part.”
In the Latter-Day Saint temples, promises are made between a man, a woman, and God. In this ceremony the couple promises that they will continue to be a family unit forever, thus binding the children with their parents and the husband with their wife for the eternities. It is known as sealing because it seals families together for this life and the life after this one. The power and authority to seal actions in Heaven and on Earth were given by Jesus Christ to His apostles anciently, such as to Peter (Matthew 16:19). That same power and authority, I have understood through personal prayer and study, is what is used today in temples of the Church of Jesus Christ and was restored to the Earth again after the deaths of the apostles through the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Did you know?
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints prefer not to be called “mormons?” The term “mormon” is a nickname that comes from a book of scripture called “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Christ.” Learn more.
The word Mormon is fine to use in proper names, like the Book of Mormon, or in historical expressions like the Mormon Trail. But we ask that you refer to us as “Latter-day Saints” or “members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ.”
Who can Participate?
Only worthy members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints with an active temple recommend can participate in these sealings. In the case of temple marriages, I have seen that it is a common practice for couples with non-member parents or siblings to also practice a civil marriage for those that cannot attend the temple sealing.
Only Latter-Day Saints are allowed to enter due to the sacredness of the ceremony.
Baptisms for Our Ancestors
This sealing ceremony is also performed for ancestors that have already passed. Volunteers in the temple act as a proxy, and seals their family together, allowing them to accept or decline these promises.
Thousands of temple sealings take place in the Rome Italy Temple every single year.
Temple sealings are beautiful ceremonies that unite families for all of the eternities. It allows members of the Church to celebrate an endless life with those that they love. This ceremony is one of the most sacred that takes place within the temple and is cherished among the Latter-Day Saints.